There is beauty and joy at the end of life, too

What people don’t understand is the beauty and joy to be found at the end of life. When I tell people I work at a hospice, they often say “that must be so hard.” But my favourite thing is hearing people’s stories, their experiences, their successes, their failures – the things that life has taught…

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Tuesday April the 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day

World #AutismAwarenessDay designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution “62/139, is an internationally recognized day every year, encouraging Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder throughout the world. World Autism Awareness Day is an effort to not only speak out against the discrimination…

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February the 14th………… annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration

What is Valentine’s Day? St Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration. Every year on 14 February people celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends. Couples send Valentine’s Day cards and flowers and spend special time together to honour their love for each…

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