You will hear “you do not have Canadian experience” many times. Please do not get discouraged. Be persistent a door will be opened.

Aside from registering with employment agencies, here are some resources to assist you with your employment journey:

Monster.ca                                           https://bit.ly/3ieRuwK

Government of Canada           https://bit.ly/3gbJn1m

Immigrant Network                   https://bit.ly/3wWCKGY

CIC News                                               https://bit.ly/3ph9xEe

Achev                                                       https://bit.ly/3inbsWf

Use LinkedIn to the best of your advantage. Connect and build your networks. You can also search and find the names of the decision makers of the companies you are applying to and hopefully make a connection.

Another very important thing to consider when seeking Canadian Experience is to VOLUNTEER!

Once you submitted your resume, I encourage you to follow up with a phone call or an email. You are more than welcome to give me a call, it is a pleasure to assist you in your employment journey. Please NEVER GIVE UP.

Wishing you best of luck!!!

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