Turning lemons into lemonade
Ecommerce and online business, shopping and buying has been growing fast before the #COVID19 #pandemic pushed even more consumers online, due to lack of other ways to shop, or just for better opportunities. In 2020 and beginning of 2021 many businesses pushed hard to put their businesses online, contributing an additional hefty $105 billion in…

Develop a system that will measure and estimate risks at the workplace?
As we are getting into month 16 of the Pandemic, Canadians continue to keep the 2-meter distance, wear masks and take steps to avoid overwhelming the health care system, although we are today (June/30/2021) entering 2nd stage. In the first few months Canadians went nuts stocking up on toilet paper, paper towels, and other non-perishables,…

3 Body Language Tips For Job Interviews
Body language can enhance what you’re saying or it can contradict it. Non-verbal cues are just as powerful, and sometimes more so, than the words you say. In a #job #interview, you need to pay as much attention to your body language as you do to the answers you give. Whether your interview is in-person…

Rethink your next big hire: Black people face very real bias and unfair standards
The number of #Blackpeople living in #Canada has doubled over the past 25 years. However, the unique experiences and #diversity of Black communities are often aggregated into the category of “visible minority” and therefore diminished or overlooked. Anti-Black #racism in Canadian society persists because it is systemic. It has existed for decades and shows up…

What does a world without e-mail look like?
If our economy runs on oil, than our workplaces can be said to run on e-mail. What if we committed to changes there as well, and not by 2030 or 2050, as in the response to climate change, but by next September or January, seeking a world without #email in your office. If that sounds impossible, think back…

How do you know if the terms of your job offer are fair?
Hiring agreements are becoming too complicated. As an #employment lawyer, sometimes even I have a hard time understanding them. This may unduly benefit employers who have a better grasp on how these contracts operate and greater access to lawyers who draft these contracts to protect them. How can you level the playing field? If you…

The 3 Key Formulas To Answer Any Interview Question
Interviews can be tough. No matter how much you prepare, you just can’t ever predict exactly what questions you’ll be asked. That’s why it’s always interesting to debrief with my clients after they have completed an #interview. Honestly, just when I think I’ve heard it all, someone hits me with a doozy. The questions I…

First the kids, then the dog: at some point, everyone leaves home
The vet’s footsteps reverberated on the porch stairs through the stone silence inside our house. I squeezed the hand of one son and glanced over at my other. I turned my gaze back toward Jessie. She lay on a green quilt by the front window as the sun set in the winter sky. When my…

Earth Day 2021 – “Together, We Can Restore Our Earth”
Earth Day is observed every year on April 22 to encourage environmental protection. A three-day event from April 20 to April 22, 2021, will be organized globally by #EARTHDAY.ORG which will include 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. Earth Day was established in 1970 as a day of education about #environmentalissues. This will be…